Monday, 4 July 2016

Immersed in Eurospy

I've been working on a chapter about the Eurospy film since well before Christmas, and it sometimes feels like I will never finish it. I recently spoke to the Dorado Films podcast about the genre. It was them who very kindly sent me an Agent 077 boxset last year which has formed the basis of this chapter. They are American but appear to have a massive catalogue of European popular cinema. Apparently this includes at least twenty Jess Franco movies, and tons of Spaghetti Westerns and other Eurospy movies. Cool stuff, and they seem to be kicking up a gear in terms of releasing some of these gems on DVD and blu ray.

The podcast can be found here, and apparently I talked so much they are cutting it into two episodes. 

Special Mission Lady Chaplin (1966)

Seeing as how my PhD is built on my Bonditis collection, it is perhaps inevitable that the Eurospy would play such a large part in it, but it's forcing me out of my comfort zone and into areas of colonialism and imperialism that I have very little academic experience in. Which I suppose is a good thing. I just wish I could finish it! It is my aim to have this done by the end of the week, which is probably why I'm writing a blog about it instead of just writing it. I only update this when I'm putting off doing the real writing.

I'm a real convert to the Eurospy now, and was grateful for the opportunity to talk about it with someone else who is interested. I hope Dorado are able to get some of the other films in their collection out there.

In related news, I've been talking to Screenbound (who used to be Odeon Entertainment) and they are planning to release Bonditis on DVD and blu ray next year! With any luck I will be involved in creating some bonus materials, which is very exciting.

Examples of Agent 077's casual violence and misogyny. What a guy.

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