One of Compton's discoveries in the mid-1960s was the Argentinian actress Isabel Sarli. Working with her husband, film director Armando Bo, she rapidly became a star thanks to her "give it to me big boy" eyes and her propensity to shed clothes whenever possible. It is surprising given the strict Catholic sensibility of her home country, but these were qualities that Compton were certainly keen to exploit here in the UK. Below is an example of typical Compton marketing; self-promotion as news.

Tony Tenser always claimed to have dubbed Brigitte Bardot "sex kitten" when he marketed And God Created Woman (1956) for Miracle Films. He was at it again here, with Sarli becoming "The Goddess" in yet another tempting offering.
Sadly the movies themselves are difficult to see now, at least with English subtitles. Isabel Sarli is still alive, and someone recently made a Spanish language documentary about her. She is more-or-less forgotten over here now, a footnote in international cinema, but she was certainly a hit in the 1960s. Tony Klinger, an employee of Compton, remembers meeting her when she visited the UK to help promote her films. She was as stunning in real life as the pictures from this press release suggest.
Amidst the relics of the Compton archive I found a packet of materials on Isabel Sarli, including press cuttings from Argentina and a showman campaign created by Steve Prentoulis Films of New York, so she clearly made some sort of impact in the States.
Im not sure whether Isabel Sarli will figure large in my PhD, but she is another example of the diversity of choice in British cinemas in the 1960s.
Great article!!
ReplyDeleteI'm from Argentina and Miss Sarli is well-known here. Is our Sophia Loren or Brigitte Bardot. She is also remembered for her catchphrase "Qué pretende usted de mí?". This year she sent me autographed photos. She's so kind and down to earth lady!!
She was faithful to her husband (and director) and never worked with other directors and rejected some proposals to go to Europe!!
Noni Alaniz
Thank you. That's brilliant! I have researched this further and you can read some of this in a paper I wrote here:
DeleteAs you can see they did intend to make films with a UK production company, but it never happened.
Thanks for your comment!
Thanks for that article, very interesting reading. Isabel did a movie with director Jorge Polaco in 1995, I think, called "La Dama Regresa", but Polaco didn't know what to do with her and the film is horrible. Her last film to date is "Mi días con Gloria", in 2010. Is a good film and Miss Sarli said in a interview that the film was bad distributed (or something like that, sorry for my english).
DeleteI think Isabel would have been huge if she was born in countries like USA, UK, Italy. But anyway she's an icon here, a legend. No one argentinian "celebrity" caused the impact that Miss Sarli archivied. I have her daughter on facebook, and she often post photos from Isabel, and she looks good!
And by the way Armando Bo grandson won a Oscar for best screenplay for Birdman.
Some months ago Isabel made headlines when the grandson of Bo refered her as "her grandfather lover", she was angry and called him a cretin.
It is a shame that her films are not commercially available in English-speaking countries (with subtitles). I would like to see some. What is her daughter's name? I would like to friend her on Facebook too!
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