
Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Antonio Margheriti and The Waiting Game

It's been a while since my last post. This is mainly because I was in the final sprint of trying to finish the first full draft of my PhD thesis. I finally submitted it a month ago, and now I am waiting for my supervisors to tell me what's wrong with it.

In the meantime I started a new blog, which feels a bit like I'm cheating on this one. It's purely about the films of Antonio Margheriti, who I think has been critically ignored, and is written off as "not as good as Mario Bava." I hope to redress this through the blog, and eventually I hope to get a book out of it. Or maybe a DVD extra or two. You can find this blog here, or on the blog roll on the right. I'm really enjoying writing about his films so far, with Danza macabra, aka Castle of Blood being a particular revelation.

As soon as I get feedback from my supervisors I can make the final corrections and get the thing sent off to the external and internal examiners. I'm just desperate at this point to get it all finished so I can move on with my life and get a job!